Revitalising the heart of the city of Sens for 80,000 people in Icaun


Réduire les émissions tout en dynamisant le coeur de ville, avec un service utile au quotidien pour les Sénonais: nous avons rendu cela possible avec le stationnement intelligent !

Amine Hiridjee

Elu à Sens

The city of Sens, located in the heart of Burgundy, is a medium-sized town that suffered from congestion and parking problems despite a sufficient number of parking spaces. Traffic jams and long waits for parking spaces were a daily occurrence for locals and visitors alike. To remedy this situation, we deployed the Cocoparks intelligent parking solution, connecting all key city-center parking lots in real time and displaying availability on dynamic panels. The project also includes an emphasis on PMR (Personnes à Mobilité Réduite) parking spaces for improved accessibility.

Context: Sens Parking Challenges

Sens, a dynamic, historic city with a population of 28,000, was facing parking problems despite a sufficient number of parking spaces. The main challenges were :

Traffic jams :

Downtown streets, especially Main Street, were frequently congested, mainly due to cars looking for available parking spaces. This phenomenon was exacerbated during peak market periods, when the town attracted its entire urban area (80,000 inhabitants).

Search time :

Drivers spent a considerable amount of time, sometimes more than 20 minutes, looking for places, contributing to pollution and stress.

Visibility of Locations :

Although parking spaces were available, their lack of visibility prevented optimal use of parking options in the town center. A roundabout system structured mobility in the heart of the town, but made the search for parking spaces sub-optimal.

The solution: smart parking in the heart of town

To solve these problems, the Cocoparks intelligent parking solution has been implemented throughout the city center. More than 400 places are now connected in real time.

Smart parking made in France: real-time data and dynamic displays

  1. Real Time Connection :
    • All the key parking lots in Sens city center have been equipped with intelligent sensors to monitor space availability in real time.
  2. Dynamic Panels :
    • Dynamic signs have been installed at strategic points around the city to display parking availability in real time. These signs also indicate spaces reserved for PRMs, guaranteeing optimum accessibility.
  3. Mobile application :
    • Complementing the signs, a mobile application enables users to check parking space availability from their smartphone, making it easier for them to plan their journeys.

Intelligent parking in Sens

An innovative, multi-phase project

Initially, an experiment was carried out in the Abbé Poupon parking lot.

En l’espace de 4 mois, la ville a observé une augmentation de 19% du taux de remplissage du parking de l’Abbé Poupon ! Alors que celui-ci est en plein coeur de ville, mais il était trop peu visible et lorsque l’on s’engageait dans la rue qui y mène, il était difficile de retrouver un parking facilement. Cela dissuadait certains habitants de s’engager vers ce parking idéalement situé.

M. Julien Gaidot, DST de la ville de Sens en 2022

Sens smart parking lots map – Cocoparks webapp view

Digital signage in Sens

Numerous dynamic signposts provide real-time information in the heart of Sens, with special displays for the disabled.

These panels can be controlled by the city directly from a smartphone or computer.

Benefits of smart parking in Sens

The deployment of the Cocoparks solution is bringing significant benefits to Sens, for residents, visitors and the municipality alike.

Reducing traffic congestion :

Thanks to real-time information, the time spent looking for parking spaces has been reduced, thus easing congestion on downtown streets.

Optimizing seat use :

The increased visibility of available spaces has led to a 25% increase in the use of existing parking lots, notably the Abbé Poupon parking lot, maximizing the efficiency of the existing infrastructure.

User satisfaction :

User surveys show a 40% improvement in satisfaction with the parking experience in the city.

Improved accessibility :

Highlighting the PRM spaces not only facilitated access for people with reduced mobility, but also raised public awareness of the importance of these spaces.

Environmental impact :

The reduction in time spent searching for parking spaces has contributed to a 15% reduction in parking-related CO2 emissions, bringing the city into line with its sustainable development objectives.

Conclusion: a solution within reach to revitalize the city and reduce emissions

The intelligent parking project in Sens, in partnership with Cocoparks, is a perfect example of how well-established technology can solve major urban problems. By connecting downtown parking lots in real time and displaying availability on dynamic panels, we’ve transformed the parking experience in Sens, making the city more accessible, less congested and more enjoyable for everyone.

La mise en oeuvre est très simple. C’est un système qui est très peu énergivore et qui demande très peu de maintenance…

Amine Hiridjee

Elu à Sens

28 000 habitants
Guidage à la place
Petite et moyenne ville

Cocoparks develops and deploys the benchmark solution for intelligent traffic and parking management

Prenons contact !

Améliorons la mobilité et le stationnement dès demain !

Observatoire analytique du stationnement

Des data précises, objectives sur le stationnement, enfin !​

Aide au controle

Améliorer l'efficacité du controle avec de la data

Guidage à la place

Apporter un service visible au quotidien pour vos usagers​

L'appli Cocoparks

Le stationnement en temps réel, dans votre poche !​

Collaboration et gestion des arrêtés

Gagnez du temps et en qualité pour transformer la voirie

Optimisation du stationnement

Réorganiser pour améliorer l'attractivité et la sécurité

La tech est au cœur de la solution Cocoparks, par ici pour découvrir notre plateforme technologique


Observatoire analytique du stationnement

Precise, objective parking data, at last!

Control assistance

Improving control efficiency with data

In-place guidance

Provide a visible daily service for your customers

Cocoparks app

Real-time parking in your pocket!

Collaboration and management of orders

Save time and improve quality to transform roadways

Technology platform

Reorganizing for greater attractiveness and safety

Technology is at the heart of the Cocoparks solution. Click here to discover our technological platform.