Intelligent last-mile and parking management

  • Flexible, 360° software
  • French solution, referenced UniHA CAIH
  • No-obligation trial period

Parking, the cornerstone of Quality of Life at Work (QWL), safety, and the reception of patients and visitors

The demand for parking at health facilities remains strong; Visitors and staff often find themselves looking for a place to park. Daily for nurses and caregivers. Free spaces are difficult to find, which makes mobility difficult and stresses and tires users. The concentration of vehicles in certain areas, especially during shifts or construction sites, can clog up establishments. It is therefore necessary to distribute parking as well as possible. Regulating traffic and annoying parking also helps to combat pollution, noise, and the stress generated by this type of traffic.

Why do hospitals and clinics choose Cocoparks to transform parking?

Deploy a service that's visible and useful every day

Healthcare staff, doctors, visitors, patients, major CSR impact

Save on your education budget

With a permanent real-time observatory

Save time

Decision and control support integrated into your business tools

Simple, turnkey installation

On existing, tried-and-tested furniture


Benefit from significant financial assistance

For all types of mobility


Table of Contents


Manage and objectify parking usage

  • Parking and delivery area observatory
  • Occupancy, parking time
  • Infringement rates by zone
  • Event Management
  • Site acceptability


Control and soothe

  • Management of high-turnover areas
  • Automatic SMS alerts
  • Detection of hazards and double queues
  • Identifying sump parking


Display information for staff and visitors

  • Zone and place guidance
  • Ergonomic town entrance sign
  • Staking sign
  • Mobile application
  • Integration of stop-markers

Découvrez comment ils ont transformé le stationnement

Precise mobility and parking data from Cocoparks enable us to make better decisions on the evolution of urban mobility: car sharing areas, delivery areas and electric vehicle charging stations.

Director, Mobility and Urban Logistics Department
Bordeaux Metropole
florian petiot

“Fully mastering the use of kiosks to maximize quality of service is essential for an ambitious operator like Electra, which focuses on the user experience”.

Florian Petiot
Ils sont nos partenaires intégrateurs : directeurs d’agence, responsables smart city, commerciaux, ingénieurs, chargés d’affaires, business developer et ils déploient la solution Cocoparks

L’expertise Cocoparks à votre service

Découvrez les dernières réflexions et concepts du secteur, pendant que nous batissons le futur de la mobilité et du stationnement avec vous

Transform parking today!

Ils parlent de nous


Observatoire analytique du stationnement

Des data précises, objectives sur le stationnement, enfin !​

Aide au controle

Améliorer l'efficacité du controle avec de la data

Guidage à la place

Apporter un service visible au quotidien pour vos usagers​

L'appli Cocoparks

Le stationnement en temps réel, dans votre poche !​

Collaboration et gestion des arrêtés

Gagnez du temps et en qualité pour transformer la voirie

Optimisation du stationnement

Réorganiser pour améliorer l'attractivité et la sécurité

La tech est au cœur de la solution Cocoparks, par ici pour découvrir notre plateforme technologique


Observatoire analytique du stationnement

Precise, objective parking data, at last!

Control assistance

Improving control efficiency with data

In-place guidance

Provide a visible daily service for your customers

Cocoparks app

Real-time parking in your pocket!

Collaboration and management of orders

Save time and improve quality to transform roadways

Technology platform

Reorganizing for greater attractiveness and safety

Technology is at the heart of the Cocoparks solution. Click here to discover our technological platform.